Have you ever thought about the magic moment right after birth? It’s when your baby takes their first breath, and life begins in the most literal sense. But what if I told you that there’s a simple yet profound practice that could enhance this moment even further? It turns out that waiting just a bit longer before cutting the umbilical cord could be a game-changer for your baby. This practice, known as delayed cord clamping (DCC), is gaining traction in the birthing world, and for good reason. Let’s delve into why DCC might be the key to unlocking additional health benefits for your newborn, making your birth story memorable and potentially life-saving.
When discussing childbirth, we often focus on the labor, the delivery room ambiance, or even the playlist you’ve curated to soothe you through contractions. But amidst all these preparations, a detail often overlooked yet immensely impactful is the timing of when to clamp the umbilical cord. Traditionally, the cord is clamped and cut almost immediately after birth. Still, there’s a growing movement towards waiting, allowing for a natural blood transition from the placenta to the baby. This pause, which can last from 30 seconds to several minutes, might seem minor in the grand scheme of childbirth, but science and real-world experiences show us it’s anything but.
Imagine this scenario: You’re in the delivery room, the air filled with anticipation, and your baby arrives. Instead of the rush to cut the cord, there’s a moment of calm, a deliberate pause. During this time, your baby receives a final gift from the placenta – a surge of oxygen-rich blood loaded with nutrients, stem cells, and extra volume that can significantly boost their health. This pause isn’t just about following a trend; it’s about giving your baby the best possible start in life by simply waiting.
Now, you might wonder why this hasn’t always been the practice. The answer lies in tradition and the evolution of medical practices. Immediate clamping was standard for years, perhaps out of convenience or misunderstanding of the benefits. But as we’ve learned more, practices have begun to shift. Delayed cord clamping isn’t just a new-age idea; it is a practice backed by research highlighting its numerous advantages, especially in iron stores, blood volume, and overall newborn health.
So, as we embark on this journey together, let’s explore what delayed cord clamping is, why it’s becoming a preferred choice, and how it fits into the broader picture of modern childbirth. Whether you’re planning your birth or simply curious about the latest in birthing practices, understanding DCC can empower you to make informed decisions, ensuring your baby’s entry into the world is as beneficial as it is beautiful.
What’s the Deal with Delayed Cord Clamping?

So, what is delayed cord clamping? Simply put, it is the practice of waiting anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes to cut and detach the baby from the placenta by clamping and cutting the umbilical cord. This pause and moment of stillness allow for something quite magical – the baby receives extra blood from the placenta. This blood isn’t just any ole blood; it’s rich in nutrients, oxygen, and even stem cells, acting as a little bonus for your newborn. It’s like the placenta’s final gift, ensuring your baby gets an extra boost right at the start of their life journey. While it’s not the norm everywhere yet, this practice is becoming more popular as more parents and healthcare providers recognize its impressive benefits.
How Long Should Cord Clamping be Delayed?
Regarding the timing of delayed cord clamping, opinions can vary depending on who you ask. Here’s a breakdown:
- ACOG’s Recommendation: The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) suggests waiting at least 30-60 seconds before clamping the cord. This recommendation is based on a balance between allowing for some placental transfusion while still managing practical considerations in the delivery room.
- WHO’s Guidelines: The World Health Organization takes it further, recommending at least 1 minute or until the cord has stopped pulsing. This timing ensures that the baby receives significant blood from the placenta, promoting better health outcomes.
- The Ideal Scenario: Ideally, healthcare providers should wait until the umbilical cord is completely drained, appearing limp and white in color. This indicates that the transfer of blood has been maximized, giving the baby the fullest benefit.
To put this into perspective, at the 1-minute mark, the baby will have received about 50% of the cord blood. By the 3-minute mark, this increases to around 90%, and by around the 5-minute mark, the baby gets all of the necessary cord fluids. However, it’s important to remember that exact times can vary from baby to baby. The best rule of thumb is to wait until the cord stops pulsing and becomes limp and white, signaling that the baby has received all the blood it can from the placenta.
Why It Matters

Why should we care about this delay? Well, the placenta, after serving as your baby’s life support for nine months, continues to play a crucial role in those first few minutes post-birth. This additional blood transfer can enhance your baby’s iron stores, vital for brain development and preventing anemia. It also helps establish a healthy blood volume, which is particularly beneficial for preterm babies who might need that extra support to avoid complications like anemia of prematurity or the need for blood transfusions.
Moreover, this practice aligns with a more natural approach to birth, respecting the biological processes that have evolved over millennia. It’s a slight change in routine that can significantly impact your baby’s transition to life outside the womb with a gentle, nurturing start.
Practical Considerations
In practice, delayed cord clamping means a shift in managing the immediate post-birth period. It requires patience from everyone in the room, from the healthcare providers to the excited parents. It might mean holding off on immediate skin-to-skin contact or delaying the first diaper change, but these are small trade-offs for the potential lifelong benefits to your child’s health.
For healthcare providers, it also means adapting protocols, especially when immediate resuscitation is needed. However, with proper training and understanding, many have found ways to integrate DCC into higher-risk births, ensuring that the benefits are not lost even in emergencies.
Why You Might Want to Consider DCC
Let me share why I’m such a fan of this practice. First, it’s like giving your baby a head start with iron. Iron is crucial for your baby’s early development, particularly for the brain undergoing rapid growth in those first few months. Those extra red blood cells from the placenta? These are not just any red blood cells; these cells are loaded with iron, which can significantly boost your baby’s iron stores. This boost means less risk of iron deficiency anemia, a common concern in infancy that can affect cognitive and motor development. We provide a natural iron supplement by delaying the clamping, setting your baby up for a healthier start.
Life-Saving in Critical Moments
In my journey through childbirth, I’ve seen DCC work wonders, especially when things get a little dicey. Keeping that cord intact means the baby still gets a very rich supply of oxygenated blood, which can be life-saving. This practice can provide the precious time needed for the baby to transition more smoothly, potentially reducing the need for immediate resuscitation or other invasive procedures.
Benefits for Preterm Babies
For our little preemies, DCC can be even more of a hero. Preterm infants are at a higher risk for various health complications due to their early arrival. Delayed cord clamping can reduce the need for blood transfusions in these vulnerable newborns by providing additional blood volume. This extra blood can lower the risk of anemia of prematurity, a condition where the baby doesn’t have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen effectively. Moreover, DCC has been linked to a decreased incidence of necrotizing enterocolitis, a severe intestinal condition, and intraventricular hemorrhage, which is bleeding in the brain. Both conditions can have long-term consequences, but we’re giving these tiny fighters a better chance at a healthier start with DCC.
Endorsement by Medical Authorities

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) is on board, recommending a delay of at least 30-60 seconds for most newborns, which is a testament to its growing acceptance in the medical community. This recommendation isn’t taken lightly; it’s based on a wealth of research supporting DCC’s benefits. When such authoritative bodies advocate for this practice, it not only validates its importance but also encourages more healthcare providers to adopt it, ensuring more babies receive this beneficial start.
The Flip Side: Addressing the Concerns
Another concern that comes up is the potential delay in resuscitation if the cord isn’t clamped immediately. In emergencies, every second counts, right? But here’s the thing – research shows that the placenta can still support the baby’s breathing during those initial moments after birth. This means that even if resuscitation is necessary, the baby still receives oxygenated blood from the placenta, which can be beneficial. It’s like having an extra oxygen supply while preparing for needed interventions. However, healthcare providers must be trained to manage DCC and emergency resuscitation protocols effectively. This pause ensures that the baby’s transition to breathing on its own is supported in the best way possible, balancing the benefits of DCC with the need for prompt action if required.
Hypervolemia and Polycythemia
There’s also a theoretical concern about hypervolemia – too much blood volume – and polycythemia, an abnormally high red blood cell concentration. These conditions could lead to increased blood viscosity, affecting circulation. However, studies have shown that these risks are minimal when DCC is practiced appropriately. Most babies adapt well to the extra blood volume, and the benefits, like improved iron stores and reduced risk of anemia, generally outweigh these concerns. For those rare cases where there might be an issue, healthcare providers are vigilant in monitoring and managing these conditions if they arise.
Temperature Regulation
Another point of consideration is the baby’s temperature regulation. Since DCC involves a delay before the baby is fully dried and placed skin-to-skin, there’s a slight risk of the baby getting cold. But this is easily mitigated with warm blankets, a warm delivery room, and immediate skin-to-skin contact once the cord is clamped. In our practice, in most cases, we do skin-to-skin even before the cord is clamped, ensuring the baby stays warm.” The benefits of DCC in terms of blood volume and nutrient transfer are significant, and with proper care, this minor risk is well managed.
Balancing Benefits and Risks
In summary, while there are valid concerns with delayed cord clamping, these are generally minor and manageable with modern medical practices. The key is informed decision-making, where parents and healthcare providers weigh the benefits against these potential risks. With proper monitoring, training, and care, DCC can be safely integrated into most birth plans, providing newborns with a healthier start while addressing concerns. Remember, the goal is to ensure the best possible outcome for both mother and baby and with the right approach, DCC can be a part of that journey.
Real Stories, Real Impact

Let’s dive into some real-life experiences that showcase the impact of delayed cord clamping (DCC). Over at Evidence-Based Birth, parents share their stories, offering a glimpse into how this practice has affected their families. One mom shared, “After learning about DCC, I insisted on it for my birth plan. My son’s iron levels were excellent, and he’s thriving developmentally.” This personal testimony highlights the direct benefit of enhanced iron stores, which are crucial for early development.
From my own experience, having been part of hundreds of births, I’ve witnessed DCC make a tangible difference, especially in situations where the baby needed extra help to stabilize their vitals after birth. In these critical moments, the practice of DCC provided crucial oxygenation, which I believe helped immensely in stabilizing the newborns.
To broaden our perspective, let’s look at another story from The Birth Space where a mother recounts her experience with preterm birth: “My twins were born at 32 weeks, and we chose delayed cord clamping for both. They avoided blood transfusions, and now, at two years old, they’re hitting all their developmental milestones on time, if not early”. This story underscores the significant benefits for preterm infants, reducing the need for medical interventions like blood transfusions.
On the other hand, a pediatrician’s perspective from Pediatrics Today provides a balanced view, “While the benefits are clear, we’ve had cases where immediate intervention was necessary, and the delay could have been risky.” This story highlights the importance of having protocols in place to manage emergencies effectively. However, in my practice, we’ve developed ways to ensure DCC doesn’t hinder emergency care, finding that the benefits often outweigh these risks when appropriately managed.
Additionally, a story from Birth Without Fear shares a different angle: “I was skeptical at first, but after seeing my daughter’s immediate improvement in her breathing and color post-birth with DCC, I became a firm believer. It was like she got an extra boost right when she needed it.” This narrative emphasizes the immediate physiological benefits observed by parents, reinforcing the value of this practice even in non-emergency situations.
These real-life accounts from various sources illustrate that while nuances exist to consider, the positive impact of delayed cord clamping is often profound. It’s not just about statistics; it’s about real babies, real families, and the real difference DCC can make in their lives.
Wrapping It Up
So, why am I pushing for delayed cord clamping? Because it’s not just about following a trend; it’s about giving your baby the best start possible with a simple act of waiting. It’s about empowering yourself with knowledge and making choices that can profoundly affect your child’s health.
In the whirlwind of preparing for childbirth, from choosing the right birth environment to deciding on pain management, delayed cord clamping might seem like a minor detail. But as we’ve explored, it’s a detail with significant implications. It’s a practice rooted in science, supported by real-life success stories, and endorsed by medical authorities, all pointing towards a healthier beginning for your newborn.
If you’re expecting, I encourage you to discuss this with your healthcare provider. It’s crucial to have open, informed discussions about your birth plan, including DCC. While there are minor risks, like a slightly higher chance of jaundice or considerations during emergencies, these are generally well-managed with today’s medical know-how. The potential benefits, from improved iron stores to aiding in critical stabilization moments, often make DCC a wise choice.
Remember, this isn’t just about a procedure; it’s about your baby’s first moments of life outside the womb being as beneficial as they can be. It’s about giving them extra support from nature’s design. Each birth story is unique, and while DCC might not be right for every situation, it’s a game-changer for many.
So here’s to making informed, loving choices for our little ones! Let’s embrace this practice not out of obligation but out of a desire to provide the best for our babies from the beginning. Let’s celebrate the magic of those first few minutes post-birth, where a little patience can lead to lifelong benefits. Here’s to informed consent, empowered decisions, and the health of our newborns. Congrats on your journey, and may your birth story be one of empowerment and love.
—Stay Strong, Jaelin—
Additional Reading
- Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin – This classic book on natural childbirth by Ina May Gaskin includes insights into various birthing practices, including delayed cord clamping. Available on Amazon
- The Birth Partner: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions by Penny Simkin – This comprehensive guide discusses various birthing practices, including delayed cord clamping, providing insights and practical advice for birth partners. Available on Amazon
- Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering: A Doctor’s Guide to Natural Childbirth and Gentle Early Parenting Choices by Sarah J. Buckley – Dr. Buckley explores natural childbirth methods, including the benefits of delayed cord clamping, from a medical perspective. Available on Amazon
- The Impact of Delayed Cord Clamping on Neonatal Outcomes – An article by Ola Andersson et al., published in the British Medical Journal, discussing the effects of delayed versus early cord clamping on neonatal outcomes and iron status. Available on BMJ’s website
- Delayed Cord Clamping: Benefits, Risks, and Recommendations – An informative piece from Healthline discussing why parents are considering delayed cord clamping, its risks, and considerations. Available on Healthline
Note: Full disclosure: SHEis Online earns a small (very small) commission on any links in the article that take you to Amazon.
About the Author:

Jaelin Stickels, CNM, WHNP, is a deeply passionate and highly skilled Certified Nurse Midwife, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, and the owner of Holistic Heritage Homebirth in Houston, Texas. With over a decade of experience, Jaelin has had the privilege of helping several hundred women welcome their babies into the world. In addition to her advanced practice licensure training, she has additional advanced training in twin and breech births, making her one of only a few with these skills in her area. Jaelin approaches every birth with expertise, compassion, and a deep respect for the birthing process. Jaelin is finishing her doctorate and looking forward to being Dr. Jaelin in early 2025.
Jaelin’s journey into midwifery began with a profound love for supporting women through the incredible experience of pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. Since 2010, she has been dedicated to walking alongside families during these transformative moments, offering guidance, support, and care tailored to each individual’s unique needs. She is a big believer in informed consent and ensures clients are given the best evidence-based information to make the best decisions for themselves and their families.
Married to her high school sweetheart Ted (aka Chef Ted) since 1984, Jaelin is the proud mother of three grown children and the delighted grandmother of one amazing granddaughter. When she’s not assisting in births, Jaelin finds joy in going to the movies with her husband, quilting, and cherishing time with her family. Known by the other midwives in her practice (Holistic Heritage Homebirth) affectionately as the “Birth Hog,” she brings an unmatched dedication and enthusiasm to her work—no one loves birth quite like she does.
Find out more about Jaelin’s Homebirth Practice (Holistic Heritage Homebirth) in Houston, TX
Looking back at my birth photos, I really appreciate the intentional pause while my baby was still attached via the cord. It was such a profound moment, realizing that even though they were no longer in my belly, we were still connected. The cord felt like the last tangible link before they were fully released into the world. I loved how my midwives honored that connection, gently asking if we were ready to cut the cord, with no rush or pressure. It made the experience feel so respectful and sacred.
So glad you got to have this experience!
-Love Jaelin-